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Tuesday, January 07, 2025
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Do you have a morning routine that sets you up for success? If not, you're probably overwhelmed. If you go to YouTube or Google, you'll find that everyone has their own system for their morning routine. Oftentimes, you'll find contradicting advice. So, how do we solve this issue? In this article I'm NOT going to prescribe you a certain morning routine. Instead, I'll give you the ingredients of a great morning routine. This way, you can apply this in a way that works for YOU specifically. After all, we're all different and what works well for me doesn't necessarily work well for you. Makes sense? Then let's dive in!
Ever wake up, hit snooze for “five more minutes,” and next thing you know, it’s an hour later, and you’re rushing out the door?
Mornings used to be brutal for, but if you’re serious about achieving your goals, how you start your day matters—a lot.
I’m going to share the key ingredients for a simple, effective, and personalized morning routine that sets you up for success. Spoiler alert: It doesn’t involve 178 steps, endless "feelgood" procrastination or meditate-under-a-waterfall nonsense.
Try these steps out, experiment with them, and see what fits your life. Alright, here we go!
As usual, you can simply sit back and watch this article in video form. These videos usually go in depth further than I could in just an article. And if you enjoy this kind of content, consider subscribing on YouTube.
What if I told you you might be screwing up your day within the first 10 seconds of being awake?
Sounds extreme, but that's exactly what you're doing when you hit that snooze button.
To put it simply:
When your alarm goes off, DO. NOT. SNOOZE. I repeat—don’t snooze.
Snoozing sets the tone for the day in the worst way. By delaying getting out of bed, you’re subconsciously telling yourself that “five more minutes” of terrible, half-awake sleep is more important than your goals. Ouch, right?
You also break (yet another) promise you made to yourself, which destroys confidence!
Plus, you’re not achieving any REM sleep in those minutes—it’s just groggy, guilt-ridden time wasted. Trust me, you're not going to be better rested when you grab those extra 10 minutes... Snoozing = starting your day with a loss. No thanks.
Instead, take that first alarm as your cue to get moving. Remember, you’re in control here. You’re worth more than snooze-button procrastination. It might be small, but this way you start by putting a W on the scoreboard!
Quick Tip: Put your alarm across the room. That way, you have to physically get out of bed to turn it off.
While I love flexibility, this step (and the next one) are the only two that I would recommend for literally everyone. There's not a single reason you should start your day by taking away all of your personal power, own it!
First thing I do after escaping the extreme gravity of my blankets? I drink water. A lot of water. I’m talking at least a litre within 5-10 minutes of waking.
Please do NOT underestimate this!
You might think "I don't need it" but you'd be just like this fish:
Trust me, you need hydration as much as this guy!
While you're sleeping you dehydrate like crazy! It is one of the biggest causes of fatigue and grogginess (right after lack of sleep). Ever had a hangover? The reason you feel like crap afterwards is not the alcohol itself. The problem is that alcohol dehydrates you even more.
Here's what I want you to understand:
Dehydration happens every night not just when you drink alcohol! The problem is that you're probably used to it. Being permanently dehydrated, it's like you're always stuck in second gear!
Challenge: Start every day with 1L of water and try to drink at least 3L more during the day. Try it for a week and I'm confident you will feel WAY more energized from this 1 simple change. Second guarantee: You'll have more bathroom breaks, but that's a small price to pay.
Alright, you’re hydrated and slightly less zombie-like.
Now it’s time to get yourself energized.
Whether it’s light stretching, a few jumping jacks, or just dancing to your favourite hype song in your pyjamas, the goal is simple—get your blood pumping. This step is about waking up your body, not breaking fitness records.
Why not just grab a coffee, you ask?
Here’s the thing: your body isn’t ready for caffeine right away!
According to Dr Andrew Huberman, can't properly handle the caffeine intake yet. But... you still have to face the downside. Because of this, drinking coffee too early might actually make you more tired later on. (Yes, it's a top 10 anime betrayal.)
This is where we need to get personal. Personally, one of my favorite things is to put in my earbuds and blast some music that wakes me up. Either that or just walking around the room while catching up on some messages or whatnot.
For you, it might be something entirely different.
Some ideas:
At this point, you will have been awake for anywhere between 5 and 15 minutes or so. Now that you're starting to wake up, it's time to set you up for success! There are three things that I would recommend for this:
Here's why I recommend each of these:
Writing is by far my biggest recommendation. But you're not just writing anything. What I would recommend you do is create clarity for the day. Everyone has an agenda for you, but what do YOU want from you today? Write down 3 must-do activities for today.
These will serve as your guiding light throughout the day (when you're bombarded with 145937929 messages).
Never lose track of what is important to YOU!
Reading can be a fantastic activity to start your day with. If you can read something that inspires and motivates you, that feeling carries throughout the day! You'll literally experience the world differently when you're feeling great as opposed to feeling terrible.
Reading can put you in that state of mind.
Watching (or listening) is an alternative for reading. We're not talking crazy cat videos, the news or OF models here! With the same purpose as reading, use this for content that inspires, motivates or educates you. Put yourself in a winner's state of mind to, well, win the morning & day!
That's what a morning routine is for after all.
Pro Tip: Not yet subscribed to my channel? Click here to do that now!
Let's summarize what we have so far:
But now, it's time to get to work!
For this, there are two opposing methods. Either one can work, but it's about finding what works for you!
Brian Tracy's famous “Eat the Frog” method is simple:
Tackle your hardest, most dreaded task first thing in the morning. The idea is that once you’ve handled the hard stuff, everything else feels easier in comparison. Besides that, you'll likely get a good headstart on those 3 priorities!
If you’re a morning person, this might work like magic. Go for it!
Muster all your courage and tackle that daunting task. By lunchtime, you’ll feel like a productivity superstar.
Not a morning person? Same here.
If you ask me to do my most difficult task right after waking up, it's a recipe for disaster! I'm just not awake enough for that yet, and you might relate. Instead of starting with the hardest task, pick the easiest, most manageable thing. Something productive that takes little effort or focus.
For example, write a quick email, ask ChatGPT (by voice) to pick up the slack, or draft a simple social media post. The idea is to create momentum. Once you’ve knocked out a few easy wins, you’ll feel ready to tackle bigger challenges later in the day.
Again, either way can work wonderfully. Pick the one you think will be best for you and experiment.
Like I promised:
A quick, effective and simple morning routine that helps you achieve your goals. Trust me, you don't need to have a ton of complicated steps! A lot of that kind of self help "woohoo" is just procrastination!
This morning routine is simple:
Don’t over-complicate it. Morning routines aren’t a one-size-fits-all deal. Try this out, tweak it, and most importantly, make it YOURS. Remember, morning routines set the tone for the rest of your day. Nail this, and you’re one step closer to those big, ambitious goals.
Got your own morning hacks? Share them below—I’d love to hear what works for you!
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